You might receive an SMS containing information regarding the termination of the recharge service in the event that you are using the SK 7 mobile SIM card.
[선불 충전 방법 변경 안내]
고객님 안녕하세요?
SK텔링크 7mobile 선불서비스를 이용해 주셔서 감사 드립니다.
SK텔링크는 2022년 12월 31일부로 선불 충전을 위한
BAND 자동충전 서비스를 종료 할 예정입니다.
고객님께서는 SK텔링크의 협력업체인 010PAY의 선불 충전
서비스로 변경하시여 지속적으로 선불서비스를 이용하실 수 있습니다.
아래 “선불 충전서비스 변경”을 클릭하시어 010PAY의 선불충전
서비스로 변경하여 주시기 바랍니다.
선불충전 서비스 변경 시 추가 충전의 혜택을 드리며,
필요하시면 협력업체인 010PAY의 고객센터를
통해 서비스 변경을 도와 드리겠습니다.
[변경 시 혜택]
● 일반PPS요금제 충전 시 최초 1회 10% 할인
● BAND 요금제 충전 최초 1회 5% 할인
☞ 선불 충전서비스 변경_
[010PAY 고객센터] 1666-0146 (응대시간 9시~22시)
[ENG] Thank you for using SK Telink 7mobile prepaid service.
As of December 31, 2022, SK Telink is planning to end the automatic charging service.
You will charge SK Telink’s partner 010PAY in advance
You can change it to a service and use the prepaid service continuously.
Click “Change Prepaid Charging Service” below to charge 010PAY in advance
Please change it to service.
You can contact our partner 010PAY’s customer service center if you need any assistance.
Please let us know if you would like to change your service, and we will assist you.
☞ Change Prepaid Charging Service _
※ As we mentioned in the SMS, the SK 7 mobile service will be closed this year, and you will not be able to use AutoPay and Recharge at the same time. (As of next year, the autopay service will be closed forever, and the recharge service will be moved to 010pay.) As of next year, you will need to use the “010pay” website to recharge your prepaid SIM card service.
※ There are two options,
1. Use the following link to recharge your plan:
2. Changing from prepaid to postpaid will allow you to keep your existing number
We are sorry to inform you that we do not have a partnership with 010pay, and we can also not support your recharge service any longer.